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4 Frightening & Easy Ways Germs (Bacteria and Viruses) Can Infect You!


Frightening Ways That Germs (Bacteria and Viruses) Can Get to You

Everyone knows that germs are everywhere, from the bacteria in your stomach to viruses in the air. They linger everywhere. It’s hard to avoid them, but you can do your best to prevent the harmful ones from getting into your body.

With COVID-19 going around, the common actions we do every day can become deadly if you are not careful.

Once germs invade our bodies, they’ll stay and eat up your nutrients and energy. Then they produce toxins (proteins that act like poison). These toxins cause symptoms such as fever, rashes, coughing, vomiting and more.

So, what ways can germs get to you?

Dirty hands contaminate food with germs


It’s the thing you love the most, but, your food is a breeding ground for germs. It’s the perfect vehicle to transfer to the inside of your body.

Usually, germs travel from unclean hands to food by an infected food preparer who didn’t wash his or her hands. The germs are then passed to those who eat the food.

Germs can also come from raw foods, such as meats, to your hands while preparing your foods. The germs on the hands are then transferred to other uncooked foods, such as salad or a sandwich.

Cooking raw food kills the germs, but your uncooked foods are contaminated.

Germs in and on animals can get to you when interacting with them.


Animals, but you have no idea where they’ve been and what they’ve touched.

It’s cute when they lick and brush their body against you. But they could be carrying harmful germs and diseases that could infect you.

Wash your hands after petting animals. Remember to clean any surfaces they come into contact with. This is something not a lot of people do.

If you accidentally touch your mouth or somewhere around your face, the germs will have invaded you.

Think twice before you pet any stray cats! Make sure you have disinfectant with you.

Germ-infested hands touching the face

Touching with Our Hands

Your hands are constantly interacting with everything. It’s the most viral way for germs to travel from their hiding places and into your body.

You use your hands to wipe your eyes, nose, and mouth. If your hands aren’t clean, germs will bypass your body’s main natural defence, your skin and into your body.

Airborne germs travelling the air from sneezes, coughing, breathing

Nose and Mouth: Sneezes, Coughs, & Breathing.

Germs can be airborne too, it’s not just touch. It’s in the air where it’s harder to protect yourself from germs.

Inhaling air that has been in contact with someone’s sneeze, cough and breath will get you sick. It then transfers to your family members or friends. It’s so easy, but terrifying.

Similarly, when your nose and mouth can encounter infected biofluids such as blood, sweat and saliva.

Wash your hands and wear a mask to protect yourself from germs

Prevention Is Better Than Cure!

Wash Your Hands and Wear a Medical/Surgical Mask!

It’s always important for you to wash your hands and wear a medical mask.

Germs fear soap and water. Washing your hands well and often is the best way to combat these tiny invaders. If you don’t have soap and water available, use a hand sanitizer to disinfect your hands.

But, that doesn’t protect you from airborne germs. Wear a mask.

Make sure it’s an effective mask. It should filter viruses, bacteria & other harmful airborne particles.

Please do not buy cloth mask or even ones with changeable filter. They aren’t made for germs protection, they are better for air pollution filtration.

We recommend a medical/surgical mask or N95 masks. They are more effective in protecting you from germs. But, N95 masks are in short supply and leave them for medical staff only.

Stay safe and healthy. Remember to wash hands and mask on.

If you are looking for premium protection for you & your family, check out NOVID’s Disposable Face Masks here.


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